


от Linnea OLS Community Manager -
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Source: Canva

Valborgsmässoafton, also known as Walpurgis Night, is a deeply rooted Swedish holiday celebrated on the evening of April 30th. The name 'Valborg' is a testament to the historical connection between Sweden and Saint Walpurga, an 8th-century English missionary canonised on May 1st, hence the association with the eve of her feast day.

Valborgsmässoafton marks the transition from winter to spring and is celebrated with various rituals and festivities across Sweden. Some of the common traditions and activities include:

  1. Bonfires: Lighting large bonfires is a central part of the celebration. These bonfires are often lit in public spaces, parks, or countryside areas, and people gather around them to sing songs, socialise, and enjoy the warmth.

  2. Singing: Choirs and groups of people often gather to sing traditional songs and folk tunes around the bonfires. These songs typically celebrate the arrival of spring and the end of winter.

  3. Gatherings and Parties: Many people use Valborgsmässoafton to gather with friends and family for picnics, barbecues, or outdoor parties. It's a festive occasion to welcome the arrival of spring after the long winter months.

Valborgsmässoafton is not just a celebration; it's a joyous and lively gathering that brings communities together. It's a time to share laughter, sing songs, and enjoy the warmth of bonfires. This festive occasion is a way to welcome the arrival of spring after the long winter months and bid farewell to the cold of winter.

Linnea, OLS Community Manager – Swedish