
Learn to Upload Photos and More!

Learn to Upload Photos and More!

Iya OLS Community Manager
Vastuste arv 0

Hi Friends!


November is off to a fantastic start! Did you see the lunar eclipse a few days ago? If so, tell us all about it! Where were you, what time was it when you watched the eclipse and if you have any photos, please share with us. So far, I've seen photos from Brooklyn, but how cool would it be to see the eclipse from all around the world?! :D


October was no snooze either! Nearly every week, there were tons of events and activities to engage in! Did you go participate in Erasmus Days? I did! And I met a lot of current mobility students. It was so fun to hear about their mobility experiences as well as their insights about using the OLS platform. If you went to any of the Erasmus Days events, tell us about it! And I can't do an October Round-up without mentioning Halloween, of course. Did you celebrate? Did you wear a costume? Show us!


Did you know that we now have a tutorial to help you upload your photos to your posts? So if you've been wanting to share your discoveries in your host country, or show off your Halloween costume; all you have to do is check out this easy guide.


What are you doing during your mobility program? Do you want to improve your knowledge and use of common phrases in professional and academic English? See our post where you can learn and practice professional and academic phrases by telling us about your mobility experience. Baturalp already has!


Let's help Daniela discover and enjoy Turkey. Are you from or currently in Turkey? If so, read Daniela's post and give her some tips!

That's all for now, friends!

Have a marvelous week. :)

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