"Living abroad" Forum

Ten things we usually forget when moving abroad

Ten things we usually forget when moving abroad

door Martin OLS Community Manager -
Aantal antwoorden: 0

Dear all,

Your first day is coming. You are about to move to the country you chose (I hope it is the Czech Republic). You filled all the necessary documents and forms, and you fulfilled all necessities to be allowed to cross the borders.

In our experience there are many things which we often forget or neglect. When moving abroad and not knowing what to expect, the odds that we forget to do or bring something are very high.

For example you can completely forget to keep in touch with the contact person in the country of you destination or arrange accommodation properly before you arrive or haven't packed you staff as you should or other.

Now it is time for you to tell us what we should watch for:

1. Forgetting your travel documents

2. Forgetting your money or credit card

3. Forgetting the necessary paperwork to be done before departure

4. Forgetting to pack everything you need

5. Forgetting to stay in touch with the agency in the country you are moving into

6. Forgetting to learn at least a few words of the language which people speak in the country you go to

7. Forgetting your medication which is hard to get abroad

8. Forgetting to tell your best friends and make farewell party

9. Forgetting to have someone to watch over your place and pets while you are away

10. Forgetting to bring any gift to the members of you new community

Let us know in the comments or in any other way how was your experience of moving abroad. What you found difficult and what you even forgot to do before you arrived and then needed to organise in a different way.

We are keen on hearing your examples here in the discussion. Comment, comment, comment!

Martin (OLS Community Manager)