"Living abroad" Forum

Share your experience of Erasmus+ stay in the Czech Republic

Share your experience of Erasmus+ stay in the Czech Republic

napisao/la Martin OLS Community Manager -
Broj odgovora: 0

Many of you who decided to stay abroad on the Erasmus+ programme are wrapping up and maybe finishing your exams. It is a perfect time for you to share with the rest of the community or even better with the students who are about to start their mobility programme your memories, experiences and recommendations.

Group of young people studying

Image source: Pixabay.com

It would be great if you could let us know in the comments what you enjoyed the most, what you learnt about the country you stayed in and also what you learnt about yourselves.

Please do not keep the precious information you might have and let others know what to be prepared for or what to avoid when staying abroad.

I am looking forward to your replies.

Martin (Czech Community Manager)