
Let’s Practice the Days of the Week in Croatian!

Let’s Practice the Days of the Week in Croatian!

av Lore Gudelj Barac -
Antal svar: 0

Dear Croatian learners!

We have a new post for you on our Croatian forum about the days of the week in the Croatian language! Learn the basic phrases in the Croatian language and tell us about your favorite day of the week!

We are also reminding you about the following forums opened for discussions with you:

“Ask the Community“ forum

In this space, you can ask any questions you may have about the usage of the OLS platform and the Croatian language in general. Just start the discussion, don't be a stranger!

“Practice your Croatian“ forum

We would love to know who you are! Introduce yourself and tell us why did you pick Croatia for your Erasmus experience. We know that the Croatian language is challenging, but we are here to help!

“Living abroad“ forum

Tell us where you are at or heading to and get to know more people in your area. Comment and let us know.


Photo: Unsplash

Loreta, OLS Community Manager – Croatian