"Ask the Community" Forum

Welcome to OLS Hungarian!

We’re so excited to be a part of your language-learning journey!  

In this “Ask the Community” forum, you will be able to ask any question you may have about the usage of OLS and the Hungarian language in general. You may seek advice from other members and from OLS community managers as well.  

In order to ensure smooth and fruitful participation for all the members of the forum, we kindly ask you to have a look at the OLS Forum Netiquette and House Rules.  

We invite you to also check out our Help Center where you'll find some very useful resources like our OLS Assistance page. The Help Center is often updated, so feel free to check often!  

Happy learning! 

The OLS Team 


Üdvözlünk az OLS – Hungarian platformon! 

Örülünk, hogy együtt kezdhetjük meg ezt a csodálatos utazást, melyen keresztül megtanulhatsz egy új nyelvet!

Az “Ask the Coummunity” fórumon bármilyen kérdést feltehetsz az OLS működéséről és a magyar nyelvről általában. Tanácsot is kérhetsz az OLS managerektől és más tagoktól is. 

A szabályok betartására is kérünk, annak érdekében, hogy egyszerű és gyümölcsöző legyen a részvételed, kérlek, olvasd el az OLS Fórum Szabályzatot. 

A Help Centerben pedig megtalálod az OLS Assistance oldalunkat, amit gyakran frissítünk.

Jó tanulást!

Az OLS csapata

List of discussions. Showing 8 of 8 discussions
Status Discussion Started by Last post Replies Actions
Picture of Nora OLS Community Manager
Nora OLS Community Manager
Picture of Nora OLS Community Manager
Nora OLS Community Manager
Picture of Nora OLS Community Manager
Nora OLS Community Manager
Picture of Nora OLS Community Manager
Nora OLS Community Manager
Picture of Nora OLS Community Manager
Nora OLS Community Manager
Picture of Nora OLS Community Manager
Nora OLS Community Manager
Picture of Nora OLS Community Manager
Nora OLS Community Manager
Picture of Nora OLS Community Manager
Nora OLS Community Manager
Picture of Nora OLS Community Manager
Nora OLS Community Manager
Picture of Nora OLS Community Manager
Nora OLS Community Manager
Picture of Nora OLS Community Manager
Nora OLS Community Manager
Picture of Nora OLS Community Manager
Nora OLS Community Manager
Picture of Nora OLS Community Manager
Nora OLS Community Manager
Picture of Nora OLS Community Manager
Nora OLS Community Manager
Picture of Nora OLS Community Manager
Nora OLS Community Manager
Picture of Nora OLS Community Manager
Nora OLS Community Manager