Let me tell you about myself!

Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania.

Intern: Hi. My name is Marc, I am the new intern and I am starting my internship in your company today.

Manager:  Hello Marc, I am Antoine, the administrative manager. It is a pleasure having you on my team. Did you get settled in?

Intern: Yes, I did, thank you. I arrived a week ago, I had the time to get settled in. I am really happy to be here.

Manager: Before getting started, we need to fill out the agreement, could you give me your address and your phone number?

Intern: Yes, of course. I found a flat in the centre. I live at 24 Liberty Street and my number is 0654321000.

Manager: I see, that is not far at all. Today, you are going to observe your colleagues. Come with me, I will introduce you to the team. Did you bring your things with you?

Intern: I just brought my gloves.

Manager: OK, I will give you overalls with the garage's logo. You will really be a part of the team. You should always wear gloves when you work on a car.