The Challenges Of Studying Abroad: A Guide To Making It Work - Part I

Studying abroad can be an exciting and rewarding experience. It can open up new opportunities and help you to gain a better understanding of different cultures. However, it is also a daunting task as you have to start from scratch in a new environment. From finding suitable accommodation to adjusting to a new school system, there are many things that need to be considered when relocating abroad. You must consider the language, cost of living and cultural differences that may exist in your new home country. Additionally, you should also learn about the laws and regulations related to moving abroad so that you don't encounter any legal problems during your relocation process. Finally, you may just feel alone and cut-off from your closest family and friends.

Globe Trotter

In this series of articles, we would like to provide several tips on getting the most of your stay abroad and adjusting to the new environment. Let’s look at some of the challenges and ways to get through.

Today it will be about cultural adjustment, staying connected with your home and academic strategies for success.

One general solution to all is to research your destination before you go. This way, you'll know what to expect and can plan accordingly. Another effective solution is to connect with other students who are also studying abroad. This way, you can share tips and advice with each other. Finally, make sure to stay organised and keep track of your finances. This will help you stay on top of your studies and avoid any stressful surprises.

Whatever route you decide to take, be sure to do your research and plan ahead.


Cultural Adjustment Tips

Cultural adjustment can be a challenge when studying abroad, but there are some tips that can help make the transition a bit smoother. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

·      Be open-minded and willing to try new things. It can be easy to get caught up in your own cultural bubble,  but remember that you’re in a new country to learn about different people and cultures. Embrace new experiences and don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone!

·      Be respectful of local customs and traditions. Do your research before arriving in your host country so that you have a basic understanding of what is considered polite or offensive behaviour. This will help you avoid any potential misunderstandings or unintentionally offending someone. 

·      Try to learn some of the local language. Even if you only know a few phrases, it shows that you’re making an effort to connect with the culture. Plus, it can come in handy when trying to navigate your way around or communicate with locals.

·      Be patient. Adjusting to a new culture takes time, so don’t expect everything to be familiar or easy right away. Give yourself some grace and allow yourself the time needed to settle in and feel comfortable in your new surroundings.

 Young People

Tips to Stay Connected with Family and Friends at Home

There are a few things you can do to stay connected with family and friends at home while you're studying abroad.

·      First, try to schedule regular video chats or phone calls with your loved ones. This will help you stay in touch and feel connected to them. You can also send emails or postcards to keep in touch in a more personal way.

·      Another great way to stay connected is by sharing photos and stories about your experiences with your family and friends. This way, they can feel like they're right there with you on your journey.

·      Last but not least, don't forget to stay connected with your loved ones back home by staying involved in their lives as well. Ask them about their day-to-day lives and let them know what's going on in yours.

Academic Strategies for Success

There are a number of academic strategies that can help you overcome the challenges of studying abroad and make the most of your experience.

·      Firstly, it is important to be organised and efficient in your studies, as you will likely have less time for schoolwork than you are used to. This means making use of study aids such as calendars and planners to keep track of deadlines and due dates, and using time management techniques to make the most of your study time.

·      Additionally, it is important to be proactive in seeking out academic help when needed; don't be afraid to ask your professors for guidance or visit the campus tutoring centre for assistance.

·      Finally, remember to take advantage of all the resources your host university has to offer; attend campus events, get involved in student organisations, and explore the local community to get the most out of your time abroad.


Share your own tips, strategies and experiences in our "Living abroad" forum – CLICK HERE

Or visit our learning resources on the OLS platform including the language evaluation test – CLICK HERE

Studying abroad can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life, but it is important to understand that there may be some challenges along the way. With this guide, we hope you are now better equipped to face those challenges head-on and make the most out of your time abroad! Remember that while studying abroad, it is important to understand that you will be stepping outside of your comfort zone and entering uncharted territory. Be sure to keep an open mind, do plenty of research, and always stay on top of your studies. Also be aware of cultural differences as they can present unique challenges. Finally, take advantage of all the resources available to you such as language courses, student support services, or even a local mentor who can provide advice and guidance throughout your experience. With the right preparation and attitude, you can make the most out of your study abroad journey!

Please see also our second part of the series on the challenges of studying abroad.

Happy studying,

Martin (Czech OLS Community Manager)

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