The Challenges Of Studying Abroad: A Guide To Making It Work - Part II

Welcome back to the series on the challenges of studying abroad. If you missed the first part then click here and read it.


As we stated before, studying abroad can be an exciting and rewarding experience. It can also present its own unique set of challenges. Among these challenges are the language barrier, finances, and making friends. Navigating a foreign country's language and culture can be daunting for any student, so it's important to understand some of the issues that may come up during your studies abroad. Additionally, managing finances while studying abroad is not always easy, as costs can add up quickly. And finally, it can often be difficult to find a social circle in a new country or city with different customs than your own.With this guide in hand, you'll be ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way as you embark on this exciting journey!


Overcoming Language Barriers when Studying Abroad

Language is a powerful tool that allows us to not only communicate with one another, but also to understand and appreciate cultures from different countries. But when studying abroad, language barriers can often be a challenge. But there are ways to overcome these barriers and make studying abroad a successful learning experience. Let’s see them:

·      Speak in the target language as much as possible. This is the most important tip on this list. For many students, speaking in another language can be frightening and difficult, so using your native language to a lesser extent is a good strategy to practise more and overcome these problems  sooner. You need more help on practising Czech for example: click here to visit our OLS platform with language learning resources.

·      Choose a specific area you are interested in when abroad and focus on it. If you are interested in history and culture, research their historical figures and traditions. If you enjoy social issues, find out about their current events information so that you can speak about these topics comfortably with your classmates. If you are more into sports, look what the popular sports are in the country, … you see that the list can be endless.

·      Try to make conversation with your classmates about things you already know about and that are relevant to the country in which you are studying. This will not only help you practise your language skills and make friends, but it will also help show that you do know something about the culture that is important for someone living there. You can also click here and practise your language skills in our forums.


Financial Strategies for Making the Most Out of Your Study Abroad Experience

Creating a budget for living expenses abroad is key to making sure you stay within your means while studying abroad. Knowing how much money you will need ahead of time will help you make the most out of your study abroad experience by ensuring that finances are not an issue while travelling and learning in another country.

Tips on how to survive your study stay financially:

·      Make a budget and plan ahead: before making the decision to go abroad, research how much it will cost and come up with a budget. You can get money from student loans, work or family members so that you have enough funds for your study abroad experience. Make sure you know what you will be living on for your stay abroad so that there is no last minute panic about how to pay for rent or food.

·      Get roommates: living expenses will be much more affordable if you find other students who can help split bills . This way, you can live in a more expensive city with less of a burden. Make sure to agree on shared expenses like food and utilities. You can find people who study in the country you go to here in our „Living Abroad“ forum.

·      Bring your own supplies: there will be other costs associated with living abroad, but they are not always obvious. It is important to bring your own supplies so that you do not have to spend extra money on items that could be costly or difficult to obtain abroad. Basic items such as shampoo and toiletries will definitely come in handy, but there are more valuable and expensive things such medicine or electronics which you may hard to find or finance.  

And finally,

·      try to find a job: It is possible to find work abroad, and in many cases, higher-paying jobs are available. This can be difficult because there is a language barrier. However, if you have a job while studying abroad, you may have a year or two of experience on your resume when applying for jobs back home. If you are serious about getting a job abroad, try to find it through an agency or company that provides these services worldwide.

Tips on How to Make Friends Abroad

Making friends with people from another culture can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right attitude and approach, you can make lasting friendships abroad. Here are some tips on how to go about making friends abroad:

·      Be social – Talking to strangers is intimidating, but don’t let that stop you from being social. Reach out and introduce yourself to people in your host country. Strike up conversations with locals and other expats; the more you talk, the more likely you are to make connections.

·      Be helpful – People appreciate it when someone takes an interest in them and is willing to lend a helping hand. Offer assistance or advice whenever possible or take part in local activities that help others – volunteering is a great way of connecting with locals while doing something good at the same time! You may look at our forum „Ask the Community“ to share you tips on the stay abroad and help others to make their jorney easier.

·      Be open-minded– Respect other cultures and welcome different opinions with an open mind. Take advantage of your trip abroad by learning about culture, customs, and traditions that are different from your own.

This guide provided some useful tips on how to study abroad. We will be very happy to see your comments in our community, so please find your way to OLS – Czech Learning Community and Resources here.

Final word of advice is to stay yourselves, positive and safe.

Happy studying,

Martin (Czech OLS Community Manager)

Последња измена: Monday, 27. February 2023, 21:26