Learning the Bulgarian language easily – mission "(Im)Possible”?

Learn a new Language

Are you eager to learn the Bulgarian Language fast, but you do get very intimidated by the unfamiliar alphabet and the complexity of pronunciation?  

Indeed, the Bulgarian language is not an easy one. Compared to other EU languages, Bulgarian is generally considered to be more difficult to learn than some languages, such as Spanish or Italian, which have simpler grammar and pronunciation systems.  

However, Bulgarian is generally considered to be easier than some other Slavic languages. Some specific aspects of Bulgarian can be challenging for learners, who need to get used to the Cyrillic alphabet, study all the noun and adjective endings for different genders, the verb conjugations for different tenses, and so on.   

But as with everything else in this life, with enough persistence and hard motivation, you will be able to learn the language in no time!

If you really want to accomplish your goals, check my tips below for better and faster results!  

What is this language, and what is this alphabet?


Bulgarian is a Slavic language spoken by over 9 million people in Bulgaria and the surrounding countries. The Bulgarian alphabet is a version of the Cyrillic alphabet, which is also used in other Slavic languages such as Russian, Ukrainian, and Serbian. It consists of 30 letters.

The Early Cyrillic alphabet was developed in the 9th century in First Bulgarian Empire by disciples of the two Byzantine brothers Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius, who had previously created the Glagolitic script. The script is named in honor of Saint Cyril.

Some tips to follow


Start with the basics: Like any language, it's important to start with the basics when learning Bulgarian. Learn the alphabet, the basic grammar rules, and common phrases for everyday situations.  

Start learning Bulgarian with the OLS platform.Take the first module of the Bulgarian A1 course here.

Dive deep: Diving deep into the local environment is a key moment when learning any language, and Bulgarian is no exception. Try to surround yourself with the language as much as possible - watch Bulgarian movies, listen to Bulgarian music, and talk to native speakers. This will help you support your effort in the study process and you will catch up with the language quickly and naturally.

Practice speaking with a language partner: Practicing speaking is one of the best ways to improve your language skills. Try to find a language partner who is a native Bulgarian speaker, or join a language exchange program where you can practice speaking with others who are also learning the language.

Get familiar with Bulgarian culture: Learning about Bulgarian culture can help you understand the language and context better. Read books, watch documentaries, and try to learn as much as you can about the history and culture of Bulgaria.

Learning Bulgarian is a rewarding and exciting experience. Indeed, this language is very beautiful and poetic. By following the tips above, you'll be on your way to speaking and understanding the language with ease.  

If you have some questions about the language, feel free to start a topic or join a conversation in “Ask the community” forum.  

You are also more than welcome to join the “Practice your language” forum where you have the chance of practicing your Bulgarian by participating in discussions according to your proficiency level and on different topics you may be interested in.

Good luck and have fun learning Bulgarian!

Good Luck

最後修改: 2023年 03月 6日(Mon) 14:50