Capturing History: The Brothers Manaki and the Birth of Balkan Cinema

Brothers Manaki were two pioneering Macedonian photographers who lived and worked in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Their names were Milton and Janaki Manaki, and they are widely considered to be the fathers of Macedonian cinema. 

Milton and Janaki Manaki a.k.a The Manaki Brothers

The Manaki brothers were born in the town of Avdella, in what is now Greece, in the 1870s. They moved to Bitola, in present-day North Macedonia, in the late 1890s, where they opened a photography studio. They quickly gained a reputation for their innovative techniques and their ability to capture the essence of their subjects.

In addition to their work as photographers, the Manaki brothers were also early pioneers of filmmaking. They began experimenting with moving images in the early 1900s, using a camera they had purchased from the Lumière brothers in France. They went on to shoot some of the first films in the Balkans, including a documentary about the coronation of King Peter I of Serbia in 1904.

The Brothers Manaki are famous for several reasons, but primarily for their pioneering work in photography and filmmaking. They were among the first photographers in the Balkans to use modern techniques, such as glass plate negatives, which allowed them to produce high-quality images with great detail and clarity.

They were also known for their innovative approach to photography, often experimenting with different lighting techniques and compositions to create striking and memorable images. Their work captured the beauty and diversity of the people and landscapes of the Balkans, and helped to establish photography as an art form in the region.

Finally, the Brothers Manaki are also famous for their enduring legacy in North Macedonia and beyond. They are remembered as national heroes and cultural icons, and their legacy is celebrated through the annual Manaki Brothers International Film Festival, which attracts filmmakers and movie lovers from around the world.

The Manaki Brothers International Film Festival is an annual event that takes place in the city of Bitola, North Macedonia. The festival is named in honor of the Brothers Manaki, and it celebrates their pioneering work in photography and filmmaking.

The festival was first held in 1979, and it has since grown to become one of the most important film festivals in the Balkans. The festival features a wide range of films, including both feature-length and short films, and it attracts filmmakers and movie lovers from around the world.

One of the unique features of the festival is the awarding of the Golden Camera 300, which is presented to the best cinematographer of the festival. The award is named after the Manaki brothers' original camera, which they used to shoot some of their most famous films.

The festival also features workshops, masterclasses, and other events that provide opportunities for filmmakers to learn from industry professionals and to network with their peers.

Today, the Manaki Brothers International Film Festival is a celebration of the art of cinema and a tribute to the legacy of the Brothers Manaki, who helped to establish the film industry in the Balkans.

Naposledy změněno: Friday, 17. March 2023, 16.01