Czech Culture Through Popular Hobbies and Pastimes

Czech Culture Through Popular Hobbies and Pastimes

If you want to truly experience the Czech culture, then you need to get out from behind your computer and explore what the Czechs are passionate about. Sports, item collecting, outdoor activities or indoor hobbies, you name it and Czechs probably do it for centuries. As a nation in the middle of Europe and traditionally close to the world, there are many areas which are covered in the list of Czech interests and pastimes.

While visiting your friends or staying longer in the Czech Republic, you will get the opportunity to observe their hobbies, join in and enjoy their activities, or even learn new skills. Make sure that you know what is your new colleague, schoolmate or neighbour passionate about. This is an excellent way to get to know the locals and gain a better understanding of the culture.

Dog walking

So what are the most frequent ways people spend their free time in the Czech Republic:

Sports Monday to Friday and on the weekends

Czech people are a nation of sports lovers, and their enthusiasm for physical activity is reflected in the wide range of popular sports they enjoy. From skiing to swimming, through cycling to climbing. Czechs are a competitive nation who love to move.

It does not come as a surprise when you hear that as part of their compulsory education, kids learn to swim and ski at school, giving them the opportunity to become proficient in both activities from an early age.

It is true that sport is accessible and widespread, but it is also the fact that not all Czechs move with the same intensity and some have hardly done any activity voluntarily at all in their life.

Nevertheless, many Czechs take up other sports such as football, volleyball or basketball in their spare time, they form clubs and teams so they can compete on amateur or professional level.  That being said, we can find many famous sport figures who serve as role models for younger generations and which are usually known throughout the country.

Do you know any famous Czech sport people? Let us know in our forum here.


Gardening as a passion

Gardening is a passion that has been shared by generations of Czechs. It is a tradition that has been passed down through families, and it continues to be popular today. From small gardens without houses to large plots of land, Czechs love to get their hands dirty and create beautiful outdoor spaces.

Gardening is not only a great way to relax and enjoy the outdoors, but it also provides an opportunity for people to bond with nature and appreciate the beauty of the world around them. Whether you have access to a small garden without a house or you read about growing flowers and trees, gardening is a hobby which can be a conversation topic for almost everyone in the Czech Republic.


Collecting anything as a hobby

Collecting is a great way to explore history and see the future by the eyes of the past generations. Czechs tend to collect all possible and sometimes unbelievable items and share their collections with others. It is an activity that can be enjoyed by all ages and provides a unique way to learn about the world.

Whether it’s stamps, memorabilia, badges, hockey sticks, watches or more, collecting offers a chance to discover something new and exciting and some of you may have the chance to meet people in the Czech Republic with unique and interesting collections.

Do you personally collect anything? Let us know in our forum here.



Music is an integral part of the Czech Republic's culture and heritage. Playing a musical instrument is very common among children, and it is often encouraged by parents and teachers alike. From early childhood, children are taught to appreciate music and to be able to play an instrument.

Music classes are offered in schools, and many people take private lessons to become proficient in playing their chosen instrument. Music is a way for people to express themselves, connect with others, and create something beautiful that can be shared with the world.

Can you play a musical instrument? Let us know in our forum here.


Cottage as a place to rest and stay active

Many people in the country have a weekend house or a cottage or a small garden with a little resting place. A cottage is for them an ideal place to escape from the hustle and bustle of civilization and take a break from your daily routine. It provides an opportunity to be close to nature, enjoy the fresh air, and relax in a peaceful environment. It also offers you the chance to stay active by growing your own vegetables, taking long walks in nature or simply enjoying some quality time with friends or family. Cottage living and outdoor activites connected to it are very popular in the Czech Republic and it is a habit for some people to spend every weekend at their favourite hideout.

While visiting the country, be ready to spend some time at a weekend house or a cottage. You will learn how to make a fire or stay outside in the open overnight. If you have similar experience from your home and like to share it click here.

Dogs and other pets

It is becoming increasingly popular to own a pet. While dogs are the most common pet for Czechs, other animals such as mice, parrots, fish, spiders or snakes can also be found in many homes. People spend a lot of money on their loved animals and it is not rarely the case that they provide their pets better conditions than they have themselves. Yes, Czechs can go overboard when it comes to it and you may see their little darlings when visiting their houses or apartments.

For you as a visitor, there is a note to make that you should never criticise the pet in front of the owner unless you really understand the topic and know what you are saying. So get ready for evenings in the park which is full of running dogs with no leash and forget about complaining to someone about it.

What is the situation in your home country? Do you have a pet at home? Share here.

Use our community to discuss your favourite hobbies – click here. In case you have any questions about our free learning resources. contact me directly by posting a reply to any of the discussion topics in our „Living abroad“ forum – click here.

Happy learning and discovering the hobbies of the Czech people

Martin (OLS – Community Manager)

Posledná zmena: Thursday, 9 March 2023, 16:21