“Koselig” - It’s a Lifestyle

Have you ever heard of the term "koselig," as it is known in Norway? It's a deeply established way of life that fosters a warm and welcoming environment in your house and daily life. We'll look at the history of "koselig", why it's so significant to Norwegians, and how you might adopt it in your own life.

family dinner

The Koselig's History 

"Koselig" is derived from the Norwegian word "kos," which means "cozy."It's a phrase used to express a warm, cozy, and contented sensation. "Koselig" is about establishing a welcoming and cozy ambiance, whether at home, with friends, or in the great outdoors. 

The concept of “koselig” is an integral part of Norwegian culture because it helps people to cope with the long, dark winters. Norway is known for its harsh winters, with very few hours of daylight and plenty of snow and cold weather. Therefore, "koselig" helps people to create a sense of warmth and comfort, even when the weather outside is bleak and cold. 

Furthermore, “koselig” contributes to a feeling of belonging and community. Whether Norwegians are spending time with family, friends, or their neighborhood community, it is a means for individuals to connect. In addition, “koselig” encourages people to take their time and appreciate the small pleasures in life, such as a cozy fire or a home-cooked dinner. 

hot chocolate

Examples of "koselig" 

There are many ways to embrace the "koselig" lifestyle in Norway. No direct English translation of the word "koselig" can do it justice. However, here are some examples to give you an idea of what can be categorized as "koselig": 

Comfortable cottages by the sea or in the mountains, where guests may unwind and take in the scenery; 

Sharing tales and drinking hot chocolate with friends and family while gathered around a bonfire; 

Savoring a hot cup of soup while curled up with a blanket and a nice book or movie on a chilly day; 

Adding soft lighting, blankets, and candles to the home helps create a pleasant ambiance throughout the gloomy winter months; 

Hiking and enjoying a picnic with freshly made “skolebolle” and coffee from a thermos; 

A trip to a café or bakery where you sip coffee or tea and eat freshly made pastries. 


Now, let's practice some Norwegian! 

Here are a few examples of how you can use “koselig” or the other variation “kos” in a sentence: 

  • Jeg elsker å ha det koselig hjemme på kveldene. (I love having a cozy time at home in the evenings.) 

  • Vi pleier å lage en koselig frokost på søndagene. (We usually make a cozy breakfast on Sundays.) 

  • Det var så koselig å tilbringe helgen på hytta. (It was so cozy to spend the weekend at the cabin.) 

  • Hva med å tenne noen lys og skape litt kos på badet? (What about lighting some candles and creating a cozy atmosphere in the bathroom?) 

  • Det er de små tingene som skaper kos i hverdagen. (It's the little things that create coziness in everyday life.) 

  • Jeg liker å ha det litt koselig rundt meg når jeg jobber. (I like to have a bit of coziness around me when I work.) 

  • Det er alltid koselig å tilbringe tid med venner og familie. (It's always cozy to spend time with friends and family.) 

  • Jeg synes det er så koselig å høre på musikk mens jeg lager mat. (I think it's so cozy to listen to music while I cook.) 

  • En god bok og en kopp te kan skape mye koselig stemning. (A good book and a cup of tea can create a lot of cozy atmospheres.) 

  • Jeg gleder meg til å komme hjem og ha det koselig etter en lang dag på jobb. (I look forward to coming home and having a cozy time after a long day at work.) 

Embracing the “koselig” lifestyle is all about creating a warm and comfortable atmosphere in your life. Whether snuggling up with a good book or enjoying a home-cooked meal with friends and family, “koselig” is about finding joy in the simple things in life. You can learn from Norwegians, embrace “koselig” as a way of life, and bring more coziness into your own life. 

hiking friends

Viimati muudetud: Wednesday, 26. April 2023, 12.41 PM