AR-in-a-Box Game

Менше години

Деталі курсу

AR-in-a-Box is a comprehensive solution for cybersecurity awareness activities designed to meet the needs of public bodies, operators of essential services, and both large and small private companies. It provides theoretical and practical knowledge on how to design and implement effective cybersecurity awareness programmes,

This course provides an example of an awareness raising game in order to self evaluate any audience on their awareness level against popular cyber threats.

Цільова аудиторія

Anyone can play this game after receiving a basic cyber awareness training.

Результати навчання

Solve the riddle by answering to some questions and prove that you are cyber aware.


Цей контент представлений Агентством Європейського Союзу з кібербезпеки (ENISA). ENISA – це агентство Союзу, яке займається досягненням спільного, високого рівня кібербезпеки в Європі.

4.6 (8)


  1. Introduction
  2. The Game: Online Retail Hack Investigation
  3. Closure & Conclusions