Beginner's Guide to National Accounts

Quelques heures

Description du cours

This course serves as a starting point for a more in-depth, targeted classroom course by introducing an overview of the System of National Accounts (SNA) with a focus on the framework of the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010). It should tackle the gaps in users’ general knowledge of the system of National Accounts and allow the participants to reach a homogenous level before coming to the introductory classroom course as a student.

Public cible

Newcomers to National Accounts (including statisticians previously working in other statistical domains).

Objectifs d'apprentissage

At the end of this e-learning module, the learner will: 

• Understand the importance and value of NA for policy making  • Be briefed on the NA data collection • Know the different uses of NA in and the motivation behind them  • Know the definition of GDP  • Be familiar with the general features of the ESA and understand its link to other statistics  • Know the underlying economic model  • Know the basic principles of ESA 2010 and key concepts such as: Statistical units and their groupings - Flows and stocks - Production approach - Expenditure approach - Income approach and balancing - The sequence of accounts - Supply and Use tables (and the input-output framework) - Satellite accounts • Become familiar with the challenges

Offert par

Ce contenu est offert par la Commission européenne. La Commission européenne est le bras exécutif politiquement indépendant de l'Union européenne. Elle est seule chargée d'élaborer des propositions de nouvelle législation européenne et elle met en œuvre les décisions du Parlement européen et du Cons

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  1. Chapter 1: Introduction
  2. Chapter 2: General features of ESA
  3. Chapter 3: Basic principles of ESA
  4. Chapter 4: Challenges
  5. Chapter 5: Finding methodological information and databases
  6. Chapter 6: Final assessment
  7. Your Feedback