Essential Skills for European Citizens' Initiative Organisers
Descripción del curso
Público objetivo
This course will be most useful for current and potential European Citizens’ Initiative organisers, and the citizens actively engaged in supporting and promoting ongoing European citizens’ initiatives. The course will also be valuable for people with a wider interest in the democratic processes in the EU – researchers, students, citizen activists etc. who might not be directly involved with any specific initiative, but are interested to learn more about it as a tool for participatory democracy on the EU level, about EU law and the competences of the European Commission and would like to broaden their understanding of how the EU works and what role active citizens may play in influencing its policy agenda.
Objetivos de aprendizaje
1. Develop an in-depth understanding of the areas of Commission competences in order to be able to formulate European citizens' initiatives that fall within them; and acquire the skills needed to manage the registration process;
Este contenido es ofrecido por la Comisión Europea. La Comisión Europea es el brazo ejecutivo políticamente independiente de la Unión Europea. Es el único responsable de elaborar propuestas de nueva legislación europea y ejecuta las decisiones del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de la Unión Europea
- Meet the trainers
- A practical guide on the course
- Module 0: The power of a million of people
- Module 1: Understanding the areas of Commission competences and managing the registration process
- Module 2: Campaigning for a European citizens’ initiative
- Module 3: Support Networks, Fundraising and Advocacy
- Wrap-up with Trainers