Explore – empower – shape future: integrating sustainability competences into vocational education and training

More than one week

Course details

In an era where sustainability is no longer optional but essential, this course aims to equip IVET instructors with knowledge for integrating sustainability competences into their curricula.

The course is drawn mainly from the experiences of the ERASMUS+ Partnership "G2VET" and the project resources "Lifehacks", "Blog" and “Assessing Sustainability Competence in VET” as primary content sources. Over four modules, you'll become familiar with the foundations of sustainability, exploring the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the EU Green COMP framework. You’ll gain an understanding of sustainability competences as outlined by EU Green Comp, understanding the creative presentation with bees, blossoms, pollen, and honeycombs to make the competence areas accessible and memorable.

The course also goes beyond theory focussing on practical methods for training and evaluating sustainable competences, ensuring your students not only learn about sustainability but can demonstrate their competences. The final module brings it all together, focussing on implementation in your teaching environment, by showing materials and good practices from the G2VET Project.

The course is offered by the European School Education Platform. Visit our website for more information.

Duration and workload

Start date: Monday 28 October 2024

End date: Wednesday 13 November 2024

Duration: 2,5 weeks

Workload: 8-10 hours

Course competences

The recipient of this certificate has demonstrated proficiency of the following competences according to the digital competence framework of the European Commission's SELFIE for TEACHERs tool:

  • Professional engagement – Professional learning (through digital technologies) at B2 level
  • Teaching and Learning – Teaching at B1 level
  • Empowering learners – Actively engaging learners at B1 level

For more information about the competences and the proficiency levels see the SELFIE for TEACHERs toolkit.

Target audience

This course is intended for instructors/trainers in vocational education. However, the course can also be relevant for trainers in adult education in general, or for teachers in schools (aged 15 and older), regardless the subject they teach/train.

Learning objectives

  • Explain the concept of sustainability by discussing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the EU GreenComp.
  • Identify and describe the key components of sustainability competences according to the EU GreenComp.
  • Explore ideas and develop a plan to apply methods for assessing sustainability competences in VET.
  • Discover materials provided by the G2VET project and propose practical strategies for integrating sustainability competences into VET curricula through participation in a final peer assessment activity.

Offered by

This content is offered by the European Commission. The European Commission is the European Union's politically independent executive arm. It is alone responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation, and it implements the decisions of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.

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  1. How this course works
  2. Module 1: Explore the basics: The term sustainability and sustainability competences in VET
  3. Module 2: Explore to Empower: Understand sustainability competences according to EU GreenComp as a base for sustainable thinking and action
  4. Module 3: Empower through Assessment: Considerations how to evaluate sustainability competences in VET
  5. Module 4: Shape the Future: Integrate sustainability competences into one's own VET teaching practice
