Learning with OLS
Assess your level
Knowing your language level is a great starting point to reach your learning goals faster! Take a few minutes to complete the placement test below and let us recommend the course that suits you best.
Practice the Lithuanian language guided by a community manager!
Our community manager is here to help you learn. Join our forums to exchange ideas and tips, guided by a Lithuanian native speaker:
Get advice from our community manager about OLS and language learning.
Practise your language skills through fun discussion topics moderated by a community manager.
Share cultural and learning experiences with other mobility participants.
Tip: Keep up-to-date with the latest news on OLS with Announcements. Discover the history and the culture of your learning language with the OLS Blog
Explore learning resources
Practise at your own pace by selecting the best resources for you: language courses, grammar videos and quizzes, flashcards and vocational training material (VET).
In this forum, you can find general information about OLS and ask any questions you may have about the platform and the Lithuanian community. Please take a moment to review the OLS Forum Netiquette and House Rules before engaging in conversations.
Sveiki prisijungę!
Šiame forume gali užduoti bet kokį klausimą apie OLS platfomą ar lietuvių kalbą.
Prieš pradedant diskutuoti, kviečiame susipažinti su OLS bendruomenių etiketo taisyklėmis.
In this forum you’re invited to practise the Lithuanian language by participating and creating discussion topics according to your level and interests. Please take a moment to review the OLS Forum Netiquette and House Rules before engaging in conversations.
Sveiki prisijungę!
Šioje bendruomenėje turėsi galimybę praktiškai panaudoti savo lietuvių kalbos žinias dalyvaujant įvairiose diskusijose, atsižvelgiant į tavo lietuvių kalbos lygį bei dominančias temas.
Prieš dalyvaujant forume, kviečiame susipažinti su OLS bendruomenių etiketo taisyklėmis.
In this forum you're invited to participate in discussion topics related to living abroad. Whether you're seeking advice, want to share your experience, or explore new ideas, you're in the right place! Please take a moment to review the OLS Forum Netiquette and House Rules before engaging in conversations.
Sveiki prisijungę!
Šiame forume galima užduoti klausimus apie kasdienį gyvenimą Lietuvoje bei pasidalinti savo patirtimi su kitais! Jei turi ką papasakoti ar nori daugiau sužinoti apie Lietuvos kultūrą, tradicijas, maistą ar bet kurį kitą su gyvenimu šioje šalyje susijusį aspektą, drąsiai pradėk diskusiją!
Prieš pradedant dalyvauti forume, kviečiame susipažinti su OLS bendruomenių etiketo taisyklėmis.