Module 3 – Housing Redevelopment and Maintenance
Plus d'une semaine
Description du cours
This module aims to raise the issue of the municipalities' role in housing, to equip municipal managers with the necessary understanding and tools of how to develop and manage housing sustainably and equitably for emergency needs and long-term for the overall quality of life in the city.
This module is curated by Ro3kvit experts.
Public cible
The target audience of this module is teams from small, medium and large municipalities in Ukraine. The municipalities form their own teams based on competencies and responsibilities.
Course materials are open to all those interested
Objectifs d'apprentissage
After this module, you will be able to:
- Convey the core aspects of the problem of housing inaccessibility and understand the general condition of housing provision in Ukraine,
- Determine the possible roles of municipalities in housing management and housing policy issues,
- Understand the relationship of the housing sphere to other spheres like social security, urban planning and economic development,
- Have an understanding of the different housing needs and contemporary approaches to housing,
- Identify advantages and disadvantages of different models for housing.
Ce contenu est offert par la Commission européenne. La Commission européenne est le bras exécutif politiquement indépendant de l'Union européenne. Elle est seule chargée d'élaborer des propositions de nouvelle législation européenne et elle met en œuvre les décisions du Parlement européen et du Cons
- Загальна інформація про Модуль 3
- 01.06 | Вебінар 1: Що таке житло і яка роль громади?
- 08.06 | Вебінар 2: Житлова сфера в Україні – шляхи розвитку та модернізації на рівні громад
- 15.06 | Вебінар 3: Житлове фінансування та муніципальні житлові компанії
- 22.06 | Вебінар 4: (Ре)конструкція соціального житла у громаді