Moj Tečaj hrvatskog A2
Course details
• video zapise koji prikazuju jezik svakodnevnog života
• interaktivni i razigrani načini učenja novih riječi i rečenica
Target audience
Erasmus+ i European Solidarity Corps sudionici
Learning objectives
Do kraja ovog tečaja moći ćete razumjeti i koristiti svakodnevne izraze i bitne rečenice koje će vam pomoći u vašoj novoj zemlji da:• upoznate ljude• podijelite informacije o sebi i da naučite o drugima• razmjenite ideje i informacije o poznatim temama• razgovarate o onome što volite i ne volite• dajete prijedloge i odgovarate na njihSvaki modul vas priprema za stvarni zadatak u kojem ćete morati upotrebljavati sve komunikativne, jezične i kulturne vještine koje ste naučili... i to samostalno! Jeste li spremni započeti vaš prvi tečaj? Idemo!Kliknite gumb za „Nastavak“.
This content is offered by the European Commission. The European Commission is the European Union's politically independent executive arm. It is alone responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation, and it implements the decisions of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.
- How to learn with OLS
- What do I need to take on mobility?
- I spent the day at an amusement park!
- I'm going to give her the latest comic book.
- I lost my passport!
- Don't forget to close the window! *GAME INSIDE*
- Sport for all!
- What's on the menu?
- Where is the supermarket?
- My first day at uni.
- My beautiful garden! *GAME INSIDE*
- I used to be in a rock band.
- It's a childhood memory!
- I missed an episode.
- That show was brilliant! I watched it during my childhood. *GAME INSIDE*
- I have to write an email.
- Next year, I'm gonna be...
- Can you fix my hairdryer?
- I'm throwing a party!
- These bags are gorgeous! Which one should you choose?
- It's the best remedy.
- Check your progress