SHERPA: A tool to support the design of urban/regional air quality plans

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Descripción del curso

Training to use the software tool: SHERPA Java/Python software tool (Screening for High Emission Reduction Potential on Air). SHERPA allows for rapid exploration of potential air quality improvements resulting from national/regional/local emission reduction measures. The tool has been developed with the aim of supporting national, regional, and local authorities in the design and assessment of their air quality plans. It has been developed by JRC-Ispra.

Público objetivo

Mostly national, regional and local policymakers involved in air quality management and modelling groups (universities, national research institutes).

Objetivos de aprendizaje

  • Provide background information on what is needed to support the design of air quality plans.
  • Provide information on the available methodologies to produce source apportionment to support efficient air quality planning.
  • Describe the SHERPA tool with particular attention to its potential usages, strengths, and limitations.
  • Guide the user through the GUI (user's interface).

Ofrecido por

Este contenido es ofrecido por la Comisión Europea. La Comisión Europea es el brazo ejecutivo políticamente independiente de la Unión Europea. Es el único responsable de elaborar propuestas de nueva legislación europea y ejecuta las decisiones del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de la Unión Europea

4.1 (25)


  1. Overview
  2. M1 - Discovery
  3. M2 - Source apportionment methods
  4. M3 - Introduction to SHERPA & Air quality modelling
  5. M4 - SHERPA GUI (Graphical User Interface)