Statybos lietuvių kalba
Roinnt uaireanta an chloig
Mionsonraí an chúrsa
Do you want to know how to communicate in your future workplace abroad? You've come to the right place! These are courses made to prepare you for your work mobility.
On our platform, you'll find:
- videos full of tips and tricks to optimise your learning.
- interactive and fun ways to learn new words and phrases.
- content centered around real-life situations in the workplace.
On our platform, you'll find:
- videos full of tips and tricks to optimise your learning.
- interactive and fun ways to learn new words and phrases.
- content centered around real-life situations in the workplace.
An spriocphobal
Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps participants
Cuspóirí foghlama
By the end of this course you'll be able to:- ask for and understand instructions- speak and write in the workplace- understand how to optimise your language learning
Tá an t‑inneachar seo á thairiscint ag an gCoimisiún Eorpach. Is é an Coimisiún Eorpach brainse feidhmiúcháin an Aontais Eorpaigh atá neamhspleách ó thaobh na polaitíochta de. Is ise amháin atá freagrach as tograí a tharraingt suas le haghaidh reachtaíocht Eorpach nua, agus is ise a chuireann chun f

- Sveiki atvykę į savo kursą!
- Žinau viską apie pramonės industriją!
- Mano pirmoji savaitė
- Pradėkime darbą!
- Pasikalbėkime!
- Išsiunčiau jums el. laišką.
- Įrašysiu tai į savo darbo kalendorių.
- Galvokite strategiškai.