Supporting Teachers to Design Digital Basic Skills Programs for Adults
Dos o tres días
Descripción del curso
The current online course by the European Basic Skills Network contributes to this dialogue by presenting fundamental considerations on how to design digital courses for adults with basic skills needs.
Público objetivo
The course is primarily for practitioners, trainers and instruction designers working in adult basic skills development.
Objetivos de aprendizaje
- Getting to know design-related considerations before going into course development.
- Introducing content-related aspects to instruction design (case study: blended learning design).
- Exploring opportunities for ensuring learner support.
Este contenido es ofrecido por la Comisión Europea. La Comisión Europea es el brazo ejecutivo políticamente independiente de la Unión Europea. Es el único responsable de elaborar propuestas de nueva legislación europea y ejecuta las decisiones del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de la Unión Europea

- General
- Chapter 1: Overall course design
- Chapter 2: Developing content & learning activities
- Chapter 3: Ensuring learner support measures
- Course completion