Teachers as Researchers – Improving Classroom Practice through Action Research
Detalii curs
This self-study module is for you if you want to embark on a reflection of your teaching practices, innovate your practices, and analyze the effects of your innovation.
If this applies to you then this module can help you to become familiar with action research, a systematic process of inquiry into a self-identified teaching challenge to better understand its complex dynamics and to develop effective strategies to address the challenge. This module offers you an outline of the different steps of the action research process and provides you with a scaffold for developing your own action research plan.
In 2022 the School Education Gateway Teacher Academy and eTwinning piloted an extended format of this module with 50 participants to explore the challenges teachers face when implementing action research in their classrooms and to support them in a more personalized way to apply action research in practice. This self-study module is based on the experiences from this course and builds on the work of the 50 pilot teachers who implemented action research in their schools.
Duration and workload
Start date: Monday 19 September 2022
End date: open-ended
Duration: self-paced
Workload: 2-3 hours
Public tinta
The course targets any classroom practitioner who wants to implement a classroom-based action research project.
Obiective de invatare
In this self-study module, you will find guidance on how to:
- Identify the research topic you would like to focus on by gathering information
- Increase your understanding of the planning process for implementing an action research project
- Discuss data collection strategies and analysis of the empirical material you will collect
- Consider the claims that you can make after analyzing your data
- Discuss ways of modifying practices based on your findings
- Explore ways of sharing your findings
Continut oferit de Comisia Europeana.The European Commission is the European Union's politically independent executive arm. It is alone responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation, and it implements the decisions of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.

- How This Module Works
- Module: Improving Classroom Practice through Action Research