Unfolding the Green Competence Framework
Description du cours
The policy of the European Sustainability Competence Framework was adopted in June 2022. This innovative deepening of educational ambition identifies the key skills that are required to meet the profound systems-level challenges that we face.
This course opens up the powerful role that teachers can play in advancing our understanding and response to the sustainability crisis. The new framework is certainly challenging. How do we mobilise our students to “engage in complexity” and “exploratory thinking”? How do we raise their learning to “systems thinking” and enable them to do effective, “problem framing”? And given the challenges posed by widespread misinformation and political cynicism, climate anxiety and social trends towards polarisation, how do teachers provide empowering “futures literacy”, that can inspire students to “promote nature” and “fairness”. How can schools develop “political agency” and “collective action” in a safe and robust way?
This course will first take a tour of the four “competence areas” of the new framework, before providing an opportunity to be actively engaged at a new level of sustainable education. The mainstream science is emphatic in its conclusions, the status quo is not sustainable. Education, like every other domain of society needs a fresh and regenerative response that is constructive, not intimidated by the science. This course offers the first few steps in that direction.
Duration and workload
Start date: 23 October 2023
End date: 8 November 2023
Duration: 2 weeks and 2 days
Workload: 8-10 hours
Public cible
Teachers from all school levels and subjects as well as other school staff (librarians, school leaders, etc.) who are interested in enhancing their knowledge on the field of Green Competences and the Green Competence Framework.
Objectifs d'apprentissage
In this course, participants will:
- Become familiar with the main concepts and ambitions of the Green Competence Framework
- Identify both the weaknesses of current ‘green education’ paradigm and see engaging ways of moving forward
- Read materials, listen to podcasts and watch ‘systems’ level insights into the sustainability crisis
- Choose a short task that introduces these new perspectives into their home school community
Ce contenu est offert par la Commission européenne. La Commission européenne est le bras exécutif politiquement indépendant de l'Union européenne. Elle est seule chargée d'élaborer des propositions de nouvelle législation européenne et elle met en œuvre les décisions du Parlement européen et du Cons

- How to get started with this course
- Module 1 – Introduction to the Green Competence Framework
- Module 2 – Introduction to Area Two of the ‘Green Comp’
- Module 3 – Introduction to Area Four of the 'GreenComp Framework
- Module 4 – Acting for Sustainability