Unlocking the power of teachers' digital competence: “Harnessing digital resources for effective teaching”

More than one week

Course details

Digital competence does not solely refer to mastering technology but rather to the way that teachers can use this technology to enhance their professional practice, empower their learners and improve learning outcomes.

In the second course of the course series on Unlocking the Power of Teacher Digital Competence, we focus on effectively helping teachers identify recourses that best fit their needs, their teaching style, and their learners. At the same time, we'll assist teachers in modifying and adapting resources to meet their exact requirements, learn how to share them responsibly, protect sensitive data, manage content ethically and respect copyright rules.

The course is offered by the European School Education Platform. Visit our website for more information.

Duration and workload

Start date: Monday 8 April 2024

End date: Wednesday 15 May 2024

Duration: 5 weeks

Workload: 15-20 hours

Course competences

The recipient of this certificate has demonstrated B2 level proficiency of the following competences according to the digital competence framework of the European Commission's SELFIE for TEACHERs tool:

  • Searching and selecting (Using searching and selection criteria to identify digital resources for teaching and learning)
  • Creating (Creating digital resources that support and enhance teaching and learning aims)
  • Modifying (Modifying existing digital resources to support and enhance teaching and learning aims, respecting copyright and licencing rules)
  • Managing and protecting (Organising digital content, enabling easy and secure access for students, parents and teachers, while protecting sensitive and personal data)
  • Sharing (Sharing digital content with respect to intellectual property and copyright rules)

For more information about the competences and the proficiency levels see the SELFIE for TEACHERs toolkit

Target audience

The course is relevant to all primary and secondary teachers, irrespective of their teaching subjects. Additionally, the course is beneficial for all educators interested in improving their digital competence and enhance their learning in the digital age.

Learning objectives

As a participant, you will:

  • Analyse and select digital resources based on criteria that meet specific teaching and learning aims,
  • Apply design principles and processes to create digital resources to meet teaching and learning aims, including with the use of generative AI,
  • Select existing digital resources, taking into consideration copyright and distribution licences, to modify and adapt them to meet teaching and learning aims,
  • Define and apply protection and security measures for the storage, management and access of digital content,
  • Select and apply copyright licences when sharing digital resources you create, supporting open educational resources.

Offered by

This content is offered by the European Commission. The European Commission is the European Union's politically independent executive arm. It is alone responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation, and it implements the decisions of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.

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  1. How this course works
  2. About the course series
  3. Module 1: Searching and Selecting
  4. Module 2: Creating and Modifying
  5. Module 3: Managing and Protecting
  6. Module 4: Sharing