
May 24th Is The Slavic Writing and Culture Day

May 24th Is The Slavic Writing and Culture Day

Reneta OLS Community Manager -
Atsakymų skaičius: 0
A very special day in Bulgaria today!

Today is a national holiday in Bulgaria: the Day of Bulgarian Education and Culture and Slavonic Alphabet (in Bulgarian - Ден на българската култура и просвета и славянската писменост). On this day, honor is paid to the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius - the creators of Bulgarian writing.

On the 24th of May, people across the country celebrate in many festive ways. From scientific conferences, readings, exhibitions, and concerts held in many cities, to manifestations dedicated to the Holy Brothers. Kindergartens, schools, universities, sports clubs, and many citizens take part in the manifestations. Traditionally, all the participants show off the institution they come from with special choreography including dancing, singing, playing instruments, etc.  

Additionally to all the celebrations, there is a special anthem that is played everywhere called "Върви народе възродени", which means "March ahead, o revived people".

The day of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, the creators of the Slavic alphabet, was celebrated as a church holiday (May 11) even before the 12th century, but it was first celebrated as a national Enlightenment Day in 1851.

Around 855, Konstantin-Kyril the Philosopher created the oldest Bulgarian alphabet - the Glagolitic alphabet, in the Byzantine Polychrono monastery in the region of Bithynia in Asia Minor and translated sacred books there. They then set out to popularize Christianity among Slavic-speaking peoples. 

Their disciples Kliment, Nahum, Sava, Gorazd, and Angelarius continued their work. They received a warm welcome in Bulgaria from Prince Boris in the ninth century. The Cyrillic alphabet, which replaced the Glagolitic alphabet, was created in the Preslav Book School. Kliment Ohridski is said to be its creator, and its name was given in honor of Konstantin-Kyril the Philosopher.

This alphabet included 24 letters of the Greek alphabet. A few more letters were added to them, which reflected the specifics of the Old Bulgarian speech. Cyrillic and Glagolitic were used simultaneously for several centuries. Ecclesiastical books were written in Glagolitic and secular books in Cyrillic. Gradually, however, the new alphabet replaced the Glagolitic alphabet.

Reneta, OLS Community Manager - Bulgarian