“Practise your Macedonian” Forum

Introduce Yourself to the Community in Macedonian Language

Introduce Yourself to the Community in Macedonian Language

Denica Bojarovska -
Vastausten määrä: 0

Hello everyone! 

This is the forum where some bravery is required: this forum is the place where we all practice our Macedonian language skills together! Of course, there are fantastic OLS training modules and resources within this community, but there is nothing better than diving in and practicing what we’ve been learning with the community. 

So, let’s kick off with some bravery and start with an introduction… in Macedonian! You can fill in the blanks and add anything else you would like to share: 

Introduction Exercise:

Здраво на сите! Се викам Деница, доаѓам од Македонија и живеам во Скопје. Моето хоби е ботаника. Мојата омилена храна е мусака. Доколку ме познавате добро, би знаеле дека многу сакам снежни зими, скијање и сноубординг. 

Се радувам што ќе ве запознаам сите! 

Се најдобро! 


Ok, now it's your turn! Let's all share our Macedonian introductions in the comments below!  

Looking forward to reading your story!  

Denica, OLS Community Manager – Macedonian