
Ready to join the party? The forums are heating up!

Ready to join the party? The forums are heating up!

by Iya OLS Community Manager -
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Hi everyone!


Here are this week’s updates about what’s happening in OLS – English!


1. Forums to chat with each other

This week’s theme in Living Abroad is all about you and your experience in your mobility program. Whether you’re a newbie, in the process, or just finished your program; we want to hear from you! Check out the forum to choose the thread(s) you want to chat in.

 a.      Ready? Set. Go! - Beginning your mobility journey (çlick me!)

Are you getting ready for your first Erasmus program? Yaaaay! How exciting for you! We would love to hear how you prepared for the program and much more!

b.      Are you having the time of your life? - Continuing your mobility journey (click me!)

Tell us how your Erasmus journey is going so far. What do you like? Love? Don't like? Hate? Tell us why! Give us details. Ask questions!

 c.       Congratulations! You're finishing your mobility journey (click me!)

Tell us all about it! What did you do? What country? What will you do now? What did you learn about yourself? Are there things you WISH you knew at the beginning of your Erasmus program? If so, share! You'll be helping the newbies find their way. :D


2. Lesson Review: Be Our Tour Guide. (click me!)

We would love it if you took us on a tour through your country, town, village, or city.

Check out this B1 lesson on being a tour guide and then give us our very own tour guided by YOU. As an option, feel free to upload one photo or short video that will help us visualize.


3. Don’t Miss Out!

a. Have you told us your superpower yet? If not, we want to know! Tell us in the Practice Your English forum.

b. Did you see our newest update about Language Assessment requirements & the future of test results certificates yet? If not, what are you waiting for?! Check it out here!


4. What’s Coming?

Stay tuned for our first August online/real-time Open Day and Webinar! More details to come about how you can join us and have a friendly chat live on OLS.


Thanks for reading and happy exploring, friends!

Iya, OLS Community Manager – English

Two silhouettes of people jumping with joy in front of a sunset.
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