
New Article: 10 Basics of French Language You Should Know When Moving Abroad

New Article: 10 Basics of French Language You Should Know When Moving Abroad

autor Lilas OLS Community Manager -
Počet odpovědí: 0

Hi Everyone! 

It’s Back to School time! 

While some of you have already started their mobility; for some others this time is just around the corner. The whole OLS Team and myself are very excited for you. 

Whether you’re moving to France, Belgium or any other French-speaking country, here are 10 Basics of French Language You Should Know When Moving Abroad

We believe that this selection of verbs, adjectives, nouns and question words will greatly help you during the first months of your mobility in a French-speaking country. 

You might be surprised by the debate about the chocolate croissant. It is a big thing in France! 

If you have any questions about anything stated in this article or about the French language in general, feel free to ask them in the Practice Your French forum, I’ll be happy to help! 

Happy learning and happy mobility! 

Lilas, OLS Community Manager – French 

Chocolatine or Pain au chocolat ( = Chocolate Croissant). Source: Unsplash