"Practise your Czech" Forum

The hardest consonant to pronounce in Czech?

The hardest consonant to pronounce in Czech?

Napisane przez: Martin OLS Community Manager ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0

Hi all learners,

Today, we share with you a little secret about Czech pronunciation. 

One of the hardest Czech consonants to pronounce is "ř" which is even listed in the Guinness book of records. Czech is the only language which has such a sound. Do you know how to pronounce it properly? Trust me on this that many of native speakers get into troubles when trying to say "ř".

It is found in many words in Czech some of which are the most basic words, for example: 

  • přítel = friend
  • dveře = door
  • říkat = to say
  • přát si = to wish
  • středa = Wednesday
  • říjen = October

Do you know any other Czech words where to find this unique consonant? Share it with us in here.

You are also welcome to share your hardest consonants, words or phrases to pronounce in your language or some you find difficult to pronounce in Czech. 

We have many resources in the OLS platform where you can practise your Czech. Try here.

I am looking forward to getting your replies.

Martin (Czech community manager)