"Practise your Czech" Forum

Where does the word “ROBOT” come from?

Where does the word “ROBOT” come from?

door Martin OLS Community Manager -
Aantal antwoorden: 0

Dear learners, 

We know that all languages have been influenced by foreign touch. There are words in Czech which came to our language from different parts of the world and stuck as well. We can discuss that later. Today I want to introduce you the word “robot” which you probably already knew, but did you know that the word comes from Czech?

Can you find out who coined the word “robot”, when was it and on which occasion?

I would be more than happy to see your comments on that.

It is also my pleasure to remind you that OLS platform has many Czech learning resources which are here for you.

Use them freely here.

Please have a wonderful festive season.

Martin (Czech OLS community manager)