“Living abroad” Forum

What Do I Need to Know Before Moving to Bulgaria?

What Do I Need to Know Before Moving to Bulgaria?

por Reneta OLS Community Manager -
Número de respostas: 0

 Hello, everyone!

Today I decided to share with you some useful information that you need to know before moving to Bulgaria. With this I hope that I will make your stay in the country more carefree! 

 1. Language: Bulgarian is the official language, though many people speak English and other European languages. Anyway, there are some people, that speak only Bulgarian. To be more confident and make the most out of living in Bulgaria, check these Bulgarian Language classes and start using Bulgarian like a pro. ;)

 2. Culture: Bulgaria has a rich and diverse cultural heritage, influenced by Ottoman, Slavic, and Eastern Orthodox traditions. The climate in Bulgaria is predominantly temperate continental, with hot summers and cold winters. 

 3. Climate: Bulgaria has a moderate continental climate with cold winters and hot summers. When traveling to Bulgaria, it is important to bring appropriate clothing for the 4 seasons and weather conditions.

 4. Cost of living: The cost of living in Bulgaria is relatively low compared to Western Europe. Necessities such as transportation, groceries, and housing are much cheaper while dining out and entertainment can also be more affordable. However, the cost of living can vary depending on the location and lifestyle. On average, a person can expect to live comfortably in Bulgaria with a monthly budget of around 800 to 1,200 BGN (400 to 600 EUR).

5. Healthcare: Bulgaria has a well-developed healthcare system, with both public and private options available.

6. Visas: EU citizens do not need a visa to live and work in Bulgaria, but non-EU citizens may need to obtain a long-term visa or residency permit.

 7. Safety: Bulgaria is generally safe, with low levels of crime. However, as in any foreign country, it's important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions to stay safe.

Now it is your turn! Is there something that you would like to know about life in Bulgaria? I am here to answer your questions!

Reneta, OLS Community Manager - Bulgarian