“Practise your Macedonian” Forum

Do you know the “Messy Alphabet“?

Do you know the “Messy Alphabet“?

Bojarovska Denica發表於
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Hey community, 

back in the 90's when I was growing up and the only entertainment TV programs were a few educational ones and a few cartoons in the morning, there was one pretty memorable and influential. 

It's called Бушава Азбука which might be translated as a 'Messy Alphabet' or 'Windblown hair Alphabet'. Funny name, right? 

But why I am recalling this here? It's because the theme song of the program is how we sing the alphabet in Macedonian. It is such a catchy tune, that sticks forever in your memory and I find it the easiest way to remember the Macedonian alphabet. 

Check it out here, or by copying - pasting the link > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1To_P7kwsds 

Enjoy the retro graphics and animation, too 

And let me know if you are singing it now. 

Denica, OLS Community Manager – Macedonian