Design Thinking Methodology for Stakeholder Engagement in GovTech

Менше години

Деталі курсу

This course focuses on how Design Thinking can be applied to the development of GovTech solutions. It provides an introduction to Design Thinking principles, exploring their relevance in the public sector to promote innovation. Learners will gain practical knowledge on adopting a design-based approach, enhancing stakeholder engagement, and addressing societal challenges. Topics include the Double Diamond model, service design, and case studies such as Spotify and migrant rights. Assessments will involve the analysis of academic papers, practical applications, and case studies. By the end of the course, learners will be able to apply design methodologies to real-world GovTech challenges.

Цільова аудиторія

Start-ups and SMEs, public buyers, Interoperable Europe Portal community members and those we encourage to become members, public sector and policymaker stakeholders at all levels (i.e. EU/Central Public Administration/municipal/regional levels); academics; students of EU or public policy/Design thinking/stakeholder engagement in service and product design

Результати навчання

The following learning objectives should result from the course:
  • Understand the impact of citizen engagement in shaping GovTech solutions.
  • Apply Design Thinking tools and methods to develop user-centred innovative solutions.
  • Foster collaboration and multi-stakeholder participation to address complex societal challenges through co-design approaches in the public sector.


Цей контент представлений Європейською комісією. Європейська Комісія є політично незалежною виконавчою структурою Європейського Союзу. Відповідальна за розробку пропозицій щодо нового європейського законодавства та виконує рішення Європейського парламенту та Ради Європейського Союзу.

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  1. Welcome!
  2. Lecture 1
  3. Lecture 2
  4. Lecture 3
  5. Lecture 4
  6. Quiz
  7. Feedback
  8. Certificate of completion
  9. !! Report Any Technical Issue Here !!
