Language Learning in eTwinning Projects

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If you are interested in…
teaching language in an engaging context that includes project work and connecting with other teachers and students...
then join this course and discover what you can do in eTwinning, the biggest community for schools in Europe!

eTwinning projects have the potential to not only raise pupils’ motivation and challenge them to become more creative, more collaborative, and more autonomous, but they also offer great opportunities for language learning in an engaging context while developing an intercultural dialogue. In this course, you will be given insights into activities from successful eTwinning projects with a specific focus on language learning and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL).

Duration and workload

Start date: Monday 26 September 2022
End date: Wednesday 2 November 2022

Duration: 5 weeks and 3 days
Workload: One module per week; 3-4 hours per module; 20-25 hours in total

This course has concluded but the content remains available for browsing!
  • You can access the modules by enrolling in the course
  • It is no longer possible to take part in the final activity and receive a certificate of completion
  • Please note that user support for this course is no longer provided

Public tinta

The course is relevant for eTwinners who want to explore how to embed language learning in their eTwinning projects. The course offers an introduction to the topic.

Obiective de invatare

  • Learn more about what is considered a good eTwinning project
  • Get a better understanding of the added value eTwinning projects bring to language learning
  • Develop an eTwinning project idea

Oferit de

Continut oferit de Comisia Europeana.The European Commission is the European Union's politically independent executive arm. It is alone responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation, and it implements the decisions of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.

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  1. How this course works
  2. Module 1: Getting Started with Language Learning and eTwinning
  3. Module 2: eTwinning and Language Learning
  4. Module 3: Content and Language Integrated Learning
  5. Module 4: Developing an eTwinning Project