Local Green Deals: A Governance Innovation to Accelerate the Twin Transition

Less than an hour

Course details

This course looks at how the European Green Deal can be implemented at the local level by cities and municipalities, using the governance instrument of Local Green Deals -- collaboration agreements to accelerate transformative sustainability action. The course builds on the activities of the European Commission’s Intelligent Cities Challenge, which is currently running from 2023-2025 and supports local governments in strengthening their action planning through city-business partnerships.

Target audience

The course mainly targets local ecosystem actors, including local authorities
administrators and business stakeholders.

Learning objectives

  • Contextualise Local Green Deals as a governance approach to implement the European Green Deal at the local level;
  • Provide an overview and definitions of key concepts around Local Green Deals, based on the Local Green Deal Blueprint for Action;
  • Provide concrete examples, tips and advice from City administrators with experience implementing Local Green Deals in their jurisdictions.

Offered by

This content is offered by the European Commission. The European Commission is the European Union's politically independent executive arm. It is alone responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation, and it implements the decisions of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.

4.1 (11)


  1. Welcome
  2. Introducing Local Green Deals
  3. Paving the way for Local Green Deal partnerships
  4. Understanding Funding and Finance for Local Green Deal
  5. LGD Methodology: Make the Deal
  6. Monitor and communicate progress against Local Green Deal agreements
