Learning with OLS
Assess your level
Knowing your language level is a great starting point to reach your learning goals faster! Take a few minutes to complete the placement test below and let us recommend the course that suits you best.
Practice the Maltese language guided by a community manager!
Our community manager is here to help you learn. Join our forums to exchange ideas and tips, guided by a Maltese native speaker:
Get advice from our community manager about OLS and language learning.
Practice your language skills through fun discussion topics moderated by a community manager.
Share cultural and learning experiences with other mobility participants.
Tip: Keep up-to-date with the latest news on OLS with Announcements. Discover the history and the culture of your learning language with the OLS Blog
Explore learning resources
Practise at your own pace by selecting the best resources for you: language courses, grammar videos and quizzes, flashcards and vocational training material (VET).
Welcome to OLS – Maltese! We’re so excited to be a part of your language-learning journey!
In this “Ask the Community” forum, you will be able to ask any question you may have about the usage of OLS and Maltese, as well as the Maltese language in general. You may seek advice from other members and from OLS community managers as well.
In order to ensure smooth and fruitful participation for all the members of the forum, we kindly ask you to have a look at the OLS Forum Netiquette and Rules of the House.
We invite you to also check out our Help Center where you'll find some very useful resources like our OLS Assistance page. The Help Center is often updated, so feel free to check often!
Happy learning!
The OLS Team
Merħba għal OLS – Malti! Eċitati li nkunu parti mill-vjaġġ tiegħek biex titgħallem il-Malti!F’dan il-forum “Staqsi lill-Komunità”, int tista’ ssaqsi kwalunkwe mistoqsija li jista’ jkollok dwar l-użu tal-OLS u l-Malti, kif ukoll il-lingwa Maltija b’mod ġenerali. Tista' ssaqsi jew tieħu parir minn membri oħra u mingħand il-maniġers tal-komunità tal-OLS ukoll.
Sabiex niżguraw parteċipazzjoni bla problemi u produttiva għall-membri kollha tal-forum, nitolbukom tagħtu ħarsa lejn in-Netiquette u r-Regoli Ġenerali tal-Forum OLS.
Nistednuk tiċċekkja wkoll iċ-Ċentru ta' Għajnuna tagħna fejn issib xi riżorsi utli ħafna bħal pereżempju l-Paġna ta' Assistenza OLS tagħna. Il-Help Centre huwa aġġornat spiss, b'hekk tiddejjaqx tagħti daqqa t'għajn minn żmien għal żmien!
Ħudu gost intom u titgħallmu!
It-Tim tal-OLS
With the OLS Blog you can explore articles related to the Maltese language and the Maltese-speaking world. Feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts by clicking “Reply” at the end of each post. Please take a moment to review the OLS Forum Netiquette and House Rules before engaging in conversations.
––––––––Merħba!Mal-OLS Blog tista' tesplora artikli relatati mal-lingwa Maltija u d-dinja li titkellem bil-Malti. Tħossok liberu li tħalli kumment u taqsam ħsibijietek billi tagħfas “wieġeb” fl-aħħar ta’ kull kariga. Jekk jogħġbok ħu mument biex tirrevedi l-OLS Forum Netiquette u House Rules qabel ma tidħol f’konverżazzjonijiet.- Welcome!In this forum you're invited to participate in discussion topics related to living abroad. Whether you're seeking advice, want to share your experience, or explore new ideas, you're in the right place! Please take a moment to review the OLS Forum Netiquette and House Rules before engaging in conversations.
F ’dan il-forum int mistieden tipparteċipa f’ suġġetti ta ’diskussjoni relatati mal-għajxien barra mill-pajjiż. Kemm jekk qed tfittex parir, tixtieq taqsam l-esperjenza tiegħek, jew tesplora ideat ġodda, tinsab fil-post it-tajjeb! Jekk jogħġbok ħu mument biex tirrevedi l-OLS Forum tan-Netiquette u Regoli tal-Pjattaforma qabel ma tidħol f’ konverżazzjonijiet.