Supporting Special Education Needs in Every Classroom
Une journée
Description du cours
The course will focus on improving skills and competences of a mainstream teacher working with students with Special Education Needs (SEN). During the course, participants will be able to strengthen their knowledge on the topics of inclusion and integration, and understand the principles of Universal Design.
They will get practical suggestions on inclusive approaches and the digital tools they can use in teaching both SEN and mainstream students. Participants will be also able to share their own experience and create a lesson plan using the material of the course.
- Start date: Monday 27 June 2022
- End date: Wednesday 13 July 2022
- Workload: 8 - 10 hours
This course has concluded but the content remains available for browsing!
- You can access the modules by enrolling in the course
- It is no longer possible to take part in the final activity and receive a certificate of completion
- Please note that user support for this course is no longer provided
Public cible
Primary and secondary teachers, school counsellors as well as other school staff who are registered in eTwinning and want to learn more on SEN.
Objectifs d'apprentissage
- strengthening teachers’ competences in the inclusion of SEN students in mainstream classrooms
- having teachers create and adapt their lesson plans which would equally engage all learners
- focusing on and explore various web 2.0 tools (Microsoft Tools, Google Tools and add-ons, interactive tools, formative assessment tools etc.) and apps that can be used in the inclusive and mainstream classroom
- discovering useful open educational resources and ready-made materials
Ce contenu est offert par la Commission européenne. La Commission européenne est le bras exécutif politiquement indépendant de l'Union européenne. Elle est seule chargée d'élaborer des propositions de nouvelle législation européenne et elle met en œuvre les décisions du Parlement européen et du Cons

- How this Course Works
- Introduction
- Module 1: Inclusive Education
- Module 2: Types of Special Education Needs Students
- Module 3: Digital Tools for Special Education Needs
- Module 4: Final Assignment