public sector leadership, innovation & knowledge sharing
EU policies, initiatives and programmes aimed at upgrading public sector performance, and promoting innovation and knowledge sharing.
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data, digital & technology
LDES for Data Aggregation
data, digital & technology
Design Thinking Methodology for Stakeholder Engagement in GovTech
data, digital & technology
DCAT-AP for Data Spaces
data, digital & technology
Introduction to GovTech and the GovTech Connect Community
data, digital & technology
Introduction to Core Vocabularies
education & capacity building
Smart Specialisation in EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Region and the new trends in the Smart Specialisation approach
energy, climate change & the environment
Adaptacja do zmian klimatu (Adaptation to climate change- essentials)
fragility, crisis situations & resilience
Economics of Disaster Prevention and Preparedness: Smart investments for disaster and climate resilience - MODULE 2
fragility, crisis situations & resilience
Economics of Disaster Prevention and Preparedness: Smart investments for disaster and climate resilience – MODULE 1
public sector leadership, innovation & knowledge sharing
e-Learning Track: IT Tools of the Enterprise Europe Network
public sector leadership, innovation & knowledge sharing
Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI)
public sector leadership, innovation & knowledge sharing
The Once Only Technical System