Topic 0
A curated selection of quality teaching materials developed by the participants of the online course Sustainability in the Classroom & Beyond—Engage the Whole School!
Action plan on sustainability: Clean environment, guaranteed health
Considering that environmental pollution is a phenomenon that is spreading rapidly, us, however small, will try to increase awareness and sensitivity to environmental problems that concern the entire community by engaging in voluntary activities. This will be an interdisciplinary project. The subjects are: knowledge of nature, citizenship, visual art, music.
Author: Adila Lika
Action plan on sustainability: Building a school Portable Vertical Greenhouse
The purpose of this project is to build a Portable Vertical Greenhouse, which would support our students’ understanding of environmental sustainability and improve our school’s overall attitude towards caring for the environment. Students have been motivated to take action after attending a regional Schools summit organised by the Black Sea NGO in 2021. Developing the school garden was part of our plan, but after attending the Conference the students became more motivated and became more involved in the planning and set-up of the greenhouse.
Author: Arșaluis - Luiza Rîpeanu
Action plan on sustainability: Reducing water consumption with rainwater harvesting
We will install a rainwater harvesting system in our school garden with our project. The aim of our project is to harvest rain water to reduce water consumption and to irrigate the trees in the school garden with this water. In addition, reducing the water consumption of the school by transferring this water to external use.
Author: Bilge Varel
Action plan on sustainability: Urban public areas - not only recreative parks
This action plan focuses on analysing ecosystem services in a little urban forest near the school as well as the school's town in order to plan the reforestation of the classroom's garden.
Author: Daniela Gagliardini
Action plan on sustainability: Rubbish management
Who should be charged with the responsibility of rubbish management? How much are the citizens responsible of this problem? Are local authorities the main to blame? These two questions mainly guided the drafting of this project plan, which envisions for students to visit a recycling factory, collect photos and news about how rubbish is managed at local and national levels, as well as meeting the local authorities and associations to discuss solutions and costs. At the end of the project, students will present the results to the whole school.
Author: Daniela Maria Geraci
Action plan on sustainability: Let's be creative!
In our action plan, we aim to develop student’s creativity, to encourage responsible consumption and to offer help to students with reduced possibilities in our school. We will achieve this by collecting and reusing objects and materials.
Author: Dorina Mihaela Albeanu
Action plan on sustainability: Growing plants in the school greenhouse
This action plan aims to raise awareness about organic agriculture by firstly growing plants in the school's greenhouse
Author: Derya Akkurt
Action plan on sustainability: Establishing a children's eco-patrol (for rational electricity, paper and water consumption)
This action plan envisions the formation of an eco-committee and children's eco-patrol in order to introduce improvements such as, inter alia, making recycling bins out of recycled materials, reducing unnecessary usage of electricity, water, paper, setting up a competition for deciding the eco-patrol's logo, quizzes, workshops.
Author: Iva Bokulić
Action plan on sustainability: Our sustainable circle
Pupils don’t have much area in their school garden, but still they can plant some herbs that won’t have only aesthetic purpose but medicinal or culinary use. These herbs can be mainly indigenous and pupils can sell final products to earn money they can re-invest in this project. The more money they earn, the closer they get to getting a greenhouse, irrigation system…. that, in return, will enable them getting more plants.
Author: Ivana Miletic
Action plan on sustainability: Sustainability for better learning
This action plan strives to spread awareness about responsible production and consumption. Drawing murals on the wall of the school's inner courtyard about energy sources and holding training workshops knitting, embroidery, and designing accessories from simple materials are but some of the inspiring activity this project implemented.
Author: Mais Sami Obaidat
Action plan on sustainability: ALDEA - ECOHUERTO (Village: School Eco-Garden)
Despite the fact that our school is surrounded by green areas, we consider that a school garden is a source of motivation for the children to plan, collaborate, make decisions and take individual and collective responsibilities. It can serve as a “vehicle” to maintain, develop and promote fundamental values of respect, responsibility, diversity, ecology, sustainability and healthy eating. This idea is the starting point of the project. With enthusiasm and excitement we want to involve our students (from pre-school to secondary) on our school garden, an adventure that we began a few years ago and every school year is becoming more and more interesting and enriching.
Author: María de la Yedra Martínez Expósito
Action plan on sustainability: Nature offers us the most beautiful toys
The project can take place during one school year, adapted to each educational cycle and each season. Activities can be carried out with preschoolers, primary school students or middle school students, involving several teaching staff. After establishing the objectives and describing the project, the students will be organized into teams that will first collect natural materials specific to each season. The students' parents can also be involved here.
Author: Mihaela Paduraru Comanoiu
Action plan on sustainability: Giving, you shall get!
This action plan involves schools and institutions that support children with disabilities. Among its phases, preparing a charity fair where hand-crafted items will be sold to raise funds and for later buying what is needed for those who need help.
Author: Mihai Traian Epure
Action plan on sustainability: Our beautiful park - Improving the green area in our town
This action plan intends to find ways to improve a park especially on what actions can be taken to make it friendlier to the environment location (cleaning the green space, repairing the benches and tables with ecological materials). After this initial scouting, the students will then prepare a letter to send to the the local authorities which will include their findings and proposed solutions.
Author: Nicoleta Militaru
Action plan on sustainability: The ocean's rescuers
This action plan aims to raise awareness about ocean’s pollution through storytelling. As such, students are invited to tell an experience about the ocean and beach pollution through the collection of images and the creation of albums or message boards of images accompanied by short captions. At the end of the path the students will be involved in action through the cleaning up of a town beach.
Author: Romina Marchesani
Action plan on sustainability: One man's trash is another man's treasure
This action plan involves gathering ideas on how to transform broken toys in the classroom instead of throwing them in the trash as well as clean up the beach and craft the garbage found into new toys.
Author: Sofia Poulioti
Action plan on sustainability: Climate change and the link with mobility
This action plan aims to contribute to tackling the climate crisis by exploring concrete, feasible solutions with the students. A climate bike tour was also envisioned which involved students and teachers alike in a quest to discover the climate story of the school environment.
Author: Veronique De Grave